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Logging Companies Illinois

Logging Companies Illinois - Walnut Timber Buyers - Money on Tree Stump Next to Logger Chainsaw

Are You Looking for Logging Companies Illinois is Confident In?

It can be difficult to learn how to sell timber in Illinois. After all, you want to be sure you work with logging companies Illinois holds in high regard. You may compare several standards, including:

  • Principles and respect for your land
  • Testimonials and personal referrals
  • Quality and industry experience
  • Monetary value and contract verbiage

When it comes to logging companies Illinois, as well as Missouri, can build a long-lasting relationship with, a partnership with Walnut Timber Buyers is second to none. We want to buy your walnut trees this week, next year and many years after that. Let our committed Illinois loggers demonstrate their skill and precision. You’ll want Walnut Timber Buyers to log your property for the rest of your life too – we’re sure of it!

And we know your forest will be around years from now too, because we practice Select Harvesting, a logging method in which only the most mature trees are harvested in a single logging effort. Utilizing this method leaves a much smaller footprint, yet guarantees a much larger paycheck.

One of a Kind Logging Services

First, we mark property lines and trees. Then, one of our qualified Illinois loggers places a GPS unit at the base of each tree we intend to cut. While hard at work, our professionals are mindful of the fact that we are guests in a wildlife habitat. It is our job to maintain the beauty and integrity of your forest. Walnut Timber Buyers and the loggers we employ take that job very seriously.

Once we finish felling your walnut trees, we will skid the logs to a designated landing zone where we can remove the tree limbs and cut the tops. Next, we’ll load the walnut logs into our trucks. Of course, we won’t remove the cut logs from your property until you receive the payout you were promised in your contract. And yes, that’s written in the contract too.

Logging Companies Illinois - Walnut Timber Buyers - Truck Hauling Cut Logs

Look No Further for Logging Companies Illinois Trusts to Deliver

Have you been sifting through logging companies, looking for the right one to harvest your valuable walnut trees? If so, call 309-369-9524 to schedule an appraisal. While there are many logging companies Illinois farmers and hunters have to choose from, there’s only one like Walnut Timber Buyers.

Thank you for your interest in Walnut Timber Buyers. At this time we are only considering projects of 20 or more mature trees. For residential projects and projects of less then 20 trees, please contact your local tree service.