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What Impacts the Price of Timber?

Price Impacts

understand why your trees values are always changing

Similar to the fluctuating price of oil, the market value of timber is subject to change. This variability in timber prices introduces a layer of complexity for landowners looking to sell their standing timber. Walnut Timber Buyers takes the initiative to alleviate this burden by tracking prices on behalf of our clients. Through comprehensive analysis that includes monitoring factors listed below, we ensure our clients have access to the most up-to-date pricing information for various popular hardwood species.


To comprehend the driving forces behind these price fluctuations, it’s essential to consider a multitude of factors. Changes in weather patterns can influence timber growth rates, affecting overall supply and demand dynamics. Additionally, the geographical location of timber stands plays a role, considering variations in regional market demands. The quality of the trees themselves, including factors such as size, age, and species, also contributes to pricing nuances. At Walnut Timber Buyers, we strive to demystify these intricacies and provide our clients with a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing timber prices. For a deeper dive into this subject or personalized assistance, feel free to reach out to Walnut Timber Buyers today! Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the ever-evolving landscape of timber sales.

  • Market Demand
  • Weather
  • Timber Quality
  • Location
  • Seasonality
  • Harvesting Method


Extreme weather events like storms, wildfires, or droughts can damage trees,reducing the quality and,thus,the price of the timber. Furthermore, prolonged unfavorable weatherconditions can limit logging activities, creating a scarcity in the market and potentially increasing timber prices. Conversely, ideal weather conditions for logging can lead to an increased supply of timber in the marketplace, which might drive prices down if the demand doesn’t keep up.

Timber Quality

The quality of timber significantly influences its market value. Factors such as tree species, size, health, and the presence of defects all play an integral role in determining timber quality. High-quality timber typically comes from mature, healthy trees of desirable species with straight trunks, few knots, and minimal defects. These characteristics make the timber more valuable as buyers can use forest products to produce high-end goods like furniture, veneer, and joinery.


The species of trees that grow in different regions vary, and some species are more valuable than others. Additionally, accessibility plays a crucial role in timber value. Forests closer to timber mills and infrastructure such as roads and ports often have higher value due to lower transportation costs. Finally, the local market demand and supply conditions and the forestry laws and regulations in a specific region can also affect the timber price.


During the drier months, logging is often easier and more cost-effective as machinery can easily access the forest, and trees can be transported with less difficulty. This increased ease of logging often leads to a higher supply in the market, which might temporarily decrease prices. Conversely, when logging becomes challenging in wetter months, the supply may decrease, potentially leading to a surge in timber prices.


Method Selective harvesting, where only certain trees are removed based on their size, species, and condition, often leaves the forest’s overall health intact and yields higher-quality timber, enhancing its market value. As for clearcutting, where all trees in a designated area are uniformly cut down, this method might result in lower timber prices. Although clearcutting can be cost-efficient and time-saving, it can lead to a mixed yield and potentially lower average price per unit of timber.

Market Demand

If the demand for specific types of timber is high, the price they command in the market will likely be high as well. This is because the value naturally rises as more manufacturers and builders seek these specific types of timber, willing to pay a premium. Conversely, if the demand decreases perhaps due to changes in consumer preferences, new regulations, or the introduction of alternative materials – the timber value correspondingly decreases, even if the supply remains constant.

Talk With The Walnut Timber Buyers Team

While it might seem like valuing your timber is “guesswork,” we promise it’s anything but! Walnut Timber Buyers can provide you with the information you need if you want the most accurate, up-to-date timber prices based on ongoing market conditions. Or, if you are interested in Walnut Timber Buyers’ tree appraisal, harvesting, and sale process, contact us today at 309-369-9524.

Thank you for your interest in Walnut Timber Buyers. At this time we are only considering projects of 20 or more mature trees. For residential projects and projects of less then 20 trees, please contact your local tree service.