Myths of the Logging Industry
26th Apr 2024
What Are Common Myths of the Logging Industry?
You may find it surprising that there are many common myths of the logging industry that are not grounded in truth or reality. In fact, there are common misconceptions about loggers and companies that rely on wood products. Social media experts and many conventional thinkers seem to think that felling any tree is a bad idea or using paper products is destroying the planet. The sustainable loggers at Walnut Timber Buyers want you to understand the facts and separate reality from myths when it comes to the logging industry. With that in mind, we will now debunk many common myths of the logging industry.
Using Less Paper is Better for the Environment
Think about when you go to use many public restrooms nowadays. Many of these places, to operate eco-friendlier, have replaced paper towels with electric hand dryers. Now, stop and think about the resources used in both methods of drying your hands. Paper towels are made from wood, a product of biomass. Meanwhile, electricity is energy created by emitting greenhouse gases and other pollutants that affect people’s health and contribute to climate change. So, how could it be that using an electric dryer is more eco-friendly than paper towels? This is simply not true. Consequently, using less paper to protect the environment is a common myth of the logging industry.
Trees Provide the Air We Breathe
Another common myth of the logging industry is the belief that trees provide the air we breathe. In truth, the world’s oceans provide most of the fresh oxygen. It only makes sense, right? After all, three-quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered in oceans. Obviously, trees do provide some oxygen. However, they do not provide the highest volume of oxygen we use in our air supply. Consequently, this widely held belief is simply not true.
Loggers Cut Down Too Many Trees
Though there are parts of the world where deforestation is a concern, the United States is not one of them. In fact, our responsible forestry management practices encourage natural regeneration of our forests. In addition, the trees that are harvested are ones that often need to be removed to continue the growth of other trees in the forests. After all, loggers will not have a future if they do nothing but clear the land of all the trees on the planet. Rest assured, logging companies in American have studied how to keep our forests growing healthy and strong for years to come. When it comes to this belief about loggers, it is just one of the common myths of the logging industry.
Logging Companies Harm the Environment
Another common myth of the logging industry is that logging companies are destroying all the forests in America. If you live in an urban area, it might seem like it’s believable. However, it just is not true.
In fact, logging is part of the forestry management process. It is necessary to maintain different forest cover types and biological diversity. Many logging operations are conducted to encourage natural regeneration of trees and create vegetation for wildlife habitats. Plus, logging processes also help us create spaces for our favorite recreational activities in the wild like fishing, hiking, jogging, hunting, and skiing. Most of the trails in those areas are created by logging companies skidding during the harvesting process.
Planting Trees Will Save the Planet
Many companies are now trying to get positive publicity through tree planting events or purchasing carbon offsets. However, this is not the most effective way to practice forestry management. Planting trees does help to fill in gaps where nature failed to regenerate, to change the types of trees in a forest, or to reach an aesthetic within a residential area. Yet, the truth is tree planting cannot provide the type of reforestation that natural regeneration does. So, planting trees or buying carbon offsets may make for a great public relations stunt or a commercial. However, it does not offset the harm some of these corporations are doing with their day-to-day operations. In fact, loggers do more to help the forests with select harvesting methods.
In Summation
You simply cannot believe everything you read or hear when it comes to common myths of the logging industry. When you think critically, it is easy to see that many of these common misconceptions have no basis in truth or reality. In fact, you may find it hard to believe, but loggers are perhaps the most concerned and motivated people to keep forests growing healthy and strong for future generations. After all, logging companies will be out of business if they do not properly manage our country’s forested lands.

Support Sustainable Forestry with Walnut Timber Buyers
Walnut Timber Buyers understands the significance of sustainable forestry practices. Consequently, we want to provide property owners with large, forested hunting or recreational areas with a free timber appraisal. That way, we can walk your forest, count how many mature, marketable hardwood trees you have, and offer you top dollar to harvest them. Finally, we will use select harvesting to ensure health and beauty of your forest is maintained for future generations.
Please contact us now if you have 30 or more mature trees that you have interest in selling. We are looking to buy ash, black walnut, white oak, northern red oak, burr oak, sugar maple, and silver maple trees. Please visit this page to see how to identify trees that we buy. You have a lot of money sitting in your forest. We want to pay you top dollar for it!